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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 6 Creations - Click here to show all
The starting set of my Bear Gulch Lodge Series... the dining room. This series is aimed more towards the male aspects of the game.... hunting, fishing and the all around manly men mentality. No flowery knickknacks allowed! With the manly men mentality, it's all hardwood and cast iron... golf clubs and fishing rods!! The only frilly thing in this set is the table cloth! :) The main object in this set is the crystal fish sculpture... isn't it MANLY? And.. what man doesn't love a good hunk of cheese with their be... errr beverage. No genteel cheese knife for the manly man.. just a plain old table knife to hack thru the cheese hunk... no womanly tiny slices of cheese here.. no sireee! Thick slabs of cheese to go with the bee... errr beverage. Also in the set are the big chunky table... just look how well it put together... all that cast iron thingy-ma-bobs holding it together... and the large bolts... cast iron of course... the chairs.. no soft womanly cushions to comfort the bum... we scavenged these chairs from the old school house!! SIT UP!! And then the buffet... errr sidetable... large drawers for those manly things... (whatever that is).. and of course... the cast iron bolts holding it together and the cast iron drawer handles... all this heavy hardwood was of course scavenged from old farmhouses and barns... reuse, recycle!! Have fun!!
wolfspryte exclusively for TSR
A HUGE credit and THANK YOU to Fredbrenny for allowing me to use her lot for a showcase!!! This lovely lot is available here at TSR! http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1110971
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1118159
ItemID: 1118159
Filesize: 1014 KB
Please do not re-upload anywhere but TSR.. thanks
Credits: TSR, TSRW, EA and FredBrenny for her beautiful lot!
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